PSL News

The Office and Management and Budget (OMB) and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) have been pursuing a years-long quest to get the federal government to transition into electronic records management, with significant deadlines falling at the end of 2016, 2019, and 2022. Does the...

Increasingly, today’s information management is about taking advantage of opportunities inherent in the information rather than just formulaically following pre-existing rules designed principally around compliance. To be sure, risk mitigation is always going to be a major concern, but modern information management can help mitigate risks...

Ultimately, the goal of any records management workflow is to ensure your organization can facilitate its work, produce desired business outcomes, and reduce costs and risks as much as possible. The ultimate disposition and destruction of unneeded documents is a crucial part of that process. Indeed,...

What does the future hold in store for records management? Right now, merely converting to digital records at all is pushing many organizations to the limit of their capacities. But technology never stops moving, and all sorts of interesting innovations are offering the potential to...

Eighty percent of businesses want to reduce paper from their normal workflows and business processes, according to research from Xerox. It’s no wonder: paper is becoming harder than ever for organizations to wrangle. Research and consulting firm Gartner reports that the annual growth rate of the...