Open Government, Part 2: How to Retrieve and Produce Records on Demand Faster

Open Government, Part 2: How to Retrieve and Produce Records on Demand Faster

Image of documents logo in a circleIn our first article in this series, we looked at a serious challenge facing government agencies: falling success rates in producing records in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Between 2010 and 2022, these requests went from successfully yielding records about half the time to only about 10% of the time. One of the biggest reasons: given the proliferation of both new government records and FOIA requests, the sheer logistics of finding, retrieving, and producing requested records has become far more operationally challenging.

So, what can government agencies do to facilitate records retrieval and improve the Open Government principles of transparency and openness?

Read the full post on our TransAccessDM blog.