7 Red Flags Showing You Need Help With Your Electronic Records Management System

7 Red Flags Showing You Need Help With Your Electronic Records Management System

Composite image various digital icons including a red warning iconEffective records management is a challenging task. Records managers often have to balance a complex array of logistical, budgeting, operational, and legal requirements. Ideally, electronic records management (ERM) systems should help. They can automate many tasks, speed up the records management process, and increase overall accuracy. The result is bounty of benefits: cost savings, productivity gains, and more.

However, ERM systems can present their own issues: they add new layers of complexity, they’re not all equally effective, and even very good systems can fail to produce desired benefits if used improperly. But how do you know when it’s time to call in some help with your system? Here are 7 red flags. Learn more on our TransAccessDM blog.